Like the title says, it’s a stressful industry and things are constantly changing in it. If the Government isn’t changing legislation, District Court, High Court and Court of Appeal decisions are setting precedent for interpretation of that legislation.
It’s undeniably more important now more than ever to enlist the services of a professional, experienced and knowledgeable team to manage your investment portfolio.
It’s the job of the people within these teams to know all the ins and outs of the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 and provide landlords and tenants with sound advice. The job of the Property Manager is fast evolving… Years ago it involved finding tenants, screening them, putting them in and then dealing with them until they leave. Nowadays you’re doing all that as well as ensuring properties meet the requirements under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, the Building Act, Healthy Homes, the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 even some aspects of the Property Law Act have profound impact on property management.
In addition to all of this, a competent Property Manager will be working with landlords to come up with a sound financial plan and budgeting all aspects of the investment property; thus not just protecting the client, but helping the client to grow a larger portfolio and in turn, a larger return on investment.
I’m not taking this opportunity with all the new changes to say: “get your house managed by a Property Manager now!”. On the contrary, take your time in between now and the proposed introduction of yet more RTA changes and find the right team for you. Find the team that does all of the above and more!
It’d be arrogant of me to say that’s our team, because obviously my opinion is always going to be bias. What I can tell you is that we guarantee a certain level of service and if that level isn’t met – you can bet that we’ll come to the party. We’ll help you to budget for maintenance and work with you; however, we will also advise you and point out when something is wrong – that’s what you pay us to do.
It’s a possibility that you’ll be interested in our services, you’re welcome to contact us and request an appraisal, landlord information booklet and listing presentation – they all come at no cost.
Regardless of whether it’s with us or not – get an expert, don’t gamble your investment, don’t risk it all. The climate in this industry is rapidly changing and you don’t want to be caught up in the floods that are coming!