A quick tip to help you if your looking to buy property and negotiate hard on the price. When you find that property that you can’t quite afford.
Get your conditions sorted before making the offer. – Seek legal advice from your lawyer and try to satisfy as mich of the issues as possible ie, order and approve the LIM before the offer, have your builder check the property, have your lawywr check the title out all before the offer is made.
Properties are currently taking a little longer to sell but the value/selling prices haven’t semmed to move yet. Take the opportunity to complete your investigations before making the offer. Make sure to tell your agent what your doing so they can keep you informed if another buyer comes along and shows some interest which means you can still have the opportunity to put your offer in subject to the conditions you were trying to satisfy first.
By doing it this way it
a) Shows the vendor you are serious and committed.
b) It can reduce the time between the offer and settlement thus giving certainty for the vendor.
c) Leaves you confident that you aren’t making an offer on a dud that you want to pull out of later.